方舟生存进化(Ark: Svival Evolved)是一款由公司Wildcard Stud并发行沙盒生存。中玩家需要在恐龙、其他危险动物和自然环境威胁下生存,采源、建造基地、研究技术,终成为支配整个岛屿霸主。
Wildcard Stud成立于2014年,位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。公司创始人Jesse Rapczak曾是微软工作室高级人,参与了《光环2》和《光环3》,也曾在另一家公司Cryptic Stud工作过。公司就是方舟生存进化。
在过程中,Wildcard Stud经历了很多起伏和。初是通过Steam上早期体验(Early Access)模式进行发行,玩家可以在还在中阶段就购买并参与。但是在推出后不久,因为公司与另外一家公司合作关系出现问题,导致在区域发行受到了影响。这也导致了一些玩家不满和,公司也不得不对此进行应对。
但是,Wildcard Stud团队一直保持着积极、专注态度,不断改进和完善玩法和画面。他们也不断与玩家进行互动,采纳玩家建议和意见,让越来越受欢迎。
除了身发展外,Wildcard Stud也在不断扩大自己业务范围。他们推出了一款名为“方舟之前”短片,用来介绍故事背景和观。他们还推出了一个叫做ARK Dev Kit工具包,允许玩家自己MOD并与其他玩家分享。这使得可玩和持续得到了大大提高。
到目前为止,方舟生存进化已经在全球范围内售出超过1600万份,成为了一款非常受欢迎沙盒生存。Wildcard Stud也得到了很多媒体和业界认可,赢得了不少奖项。他们也在不断新内容和扩展包,让玩家有更多选择和。
作为一家公司,Wildcard Stud成离不开他们创新、勇气和团队精神。他们不断自己,不断改进自己,为玩家带来更好体验。他们也面临着很多困难和,但是他们始终坚持着自己理念和,终实现了他们梦想。
Ark: Svival Evolved is a popular action-advente svival video dloped by Studio Wildcard and released in 2017. The is set in an open world envinment and allows players to explore, gather resoces, build structes, and n tame dinosrs. The has gained a massive follog for its unique play mechani and stunning graphi.
The play of Ark: Svival Evolved revolves aund players trying to svive in a harsh envinment filled with prehistoc creates. Players start with nothing and must gather resoces such as wood, stone, and metal to build shelter and weapons. The feates a day-night cycle and dynamic weather, which can affect the player's svival. The also has a ger and thirst , which requires players to find food and water to svive.
One of the most exciting aspects of the is the ability to tame dinosrs and other prehistoc creates. Players can use a vaety of methods to tame creates, such as feeding them or knocking them out. Tamed creates can be used for transportation, combat, and resoce gatheng. Players can also breed their tamed creates to stnger and powerful offspng.
The graphi of Ark: Svival Evolved are breathtaking, with betiful landscapes, realistic weather effects, and incredibly detailed creates. The 's graphi are powered by Unreal Engine 4, which pvides stunning visuals and ooth play. The also feates day-night cycles and dynamic weather, which adds to the 's immersive atmosphere.
Ark: Svival Evolved has an extensive multiplayer mode, which allows players to team up with fends or join a tbe. Players can build bases together, share resoces, and n defend against other tbes. The also has PvP (player versus player) mode, where players can fight against each other in intense battles.
Ark: Svival Evolved is an incredible that combines svival, exploration, and dinosr taming into one thlling expeence. The 's stunning graphi and immersive play mechani make it a must-play for any r. Whether you're playing alone or with fends, there's always something new to discover in this English wonderland in the gaming world.