\Fm the first stirngs of life beneath water... to the great beasts of the Stone Age... to man taking his first upght steps, you have come far.\i>
\It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.\
\The becracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding becracy.\i>
\Without craftanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the d.\i>
\I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done rywhere.\i>
\When diplomacy fails, there are o ways to resolve a conflict - brute force and force of intellect.\i>
\I am the state.\i>
\Nate has placed under the governance of o soverei s, pain and please.\i>
\A true leader always keeps an element of spse up his sle, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless.\i>
\A people without the knowledge of their past history, ogin and culte is like a tree without s.\i>
\I may be compelled to face danger, but nr fear it, and while o soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nse them.\i>
\I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.\i>
\The only way to do great work is to love what you do.\i>
\I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.\i>
\I am the way and the light.\i>
\He who contls the past contls the fute. He who contls the present contls the past.\i>
\All the great things are , and many can be expressed in a single : , justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.\i>
\A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.\i>
\The only thing necessary for the tumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.\i>
\The best way to predict yo fute is to it.\i>
\I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.\i>
\The greater the difficulty, the glory in smounting it.\i>
\The only limit to o realization of tomorw will be o dous of today.\i>
\I am the walrus.\i>
\I came, I saw, I ed.\i>
\It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.\i>
\The grea glory in living lies not in nr falling, but in sing ry time we fall.\i>
\The unexamined life is not worth living.\i>
\I have a dream that one day this nation will se up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are d equal.'\i>
\The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.\i>
\I think therefore I am.\i>
\Cogito, ergo sum.\i>
\If you want peace, prepare for war.\i>
\Arbeit macht frei.\i>
\The pen is mightier than the s.\i>
\To be, or not to be: that is the question.\i>
\All animals are equal, but some animals are equal than others.\i>
\It is not the stngest of the species that svives, nor the most intelligent that svives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.\i>
\Knowledge is power.\i>
\Veni, vidi, vici.\i>
\A day without lghter is a day wasted.\i>
\A mind is a terble thing to waste.\i>
\There is no substitute for hard work.\i>
\The only true wisdom is in knog you know nothing.\i>
\The meaning of life is to give life meaning.\i>
\To be or not to be.\i>
\The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.\i>
\Ask not what yo country can do for you, ask what you can do for yo country.\i>
\Houston, we have a pblem.\i>
\May the Force be with you.\i>
\Life is like a box of chocolates. You nr know what you're gonna get.\i>
\I'll be back.\i>
\Hasta la vista, baby.\i>
\You talkin' to me\
\I feel the need...the need for speed.\i>
\I'm king of the world!\
\You can't handle the truth!\
\Show me the money!\
\You had me at 'hello'.\i>
\I'll have what she's having.\i>
\Nobody puts Baby in a corner.\i>
\I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.\i>
\I'll be there for you.\i>
\What we've got here is faile to communicate.\i>
\To infinity and beyond!\
1. AI过于强大
2. 对玩家资源控制要较高
3. 对于新手来说难度太大
4. 需要更多策略
5. 缺乏多样