《流放之路》是一款由新西兰公司Gnding Gear Games动作角扮演,该在2013年推出,并在全球范围内拥有了大量玩家。
1. Duelist(决斗者)
The Duelist excels at both Stren and Dextety skills, and fights with ss and daggers. He utilizes both the evasion fm Dextety and the armo of Stren. In this version of the , the Duelist has undergone siificant changes fm the previous version. Now, instead of the old dextety and stren hybd, the Duelist is focused on pe speed and agility. His skill tree revolves aund both evasion and melee damage, and he is a formidable opponent in close combat.
2. Marder()
The Marder is a pe stren class, which means that he relies heavily on physical damage and defence. He excels at overwhelming his enemies with sheer force and dability, and can also regenerate health quickly in combat. In addition, the Marder can use a vaety of weapons, including axes, maces, ss, and n staves. His skill tree revolves aund increasing his physical damage and health, and he is a solid choice for players who want a straightforward and powerful character.
3. Ranger()
The Ranger is a hybd class that combines both Dextety and Stren skills. She is a skilled archer and can use bows, as well as ss and daggers. Her stren lies in her mobility and speed, and she can dodge attacks easily thanks to her high evasion. Additionally, the Ranger can summon animals to her in combat, allog her to deal n damage. Her skill tree revolves aund both ranged and melee damage, and she is a versatile character that can adapt to any situation.
4. Witch(女巫)
The Witch is a pe Intelligence class, which means that she relies heavily on spells and magic. She is a of the elements, and can use fire, ice, and lightning to devastating effect. Additionally, the Witch can summon minions to fight for her, and can also use cses to weaken her enemies. Her skill tree revolves aund increasing her spell damage and mana regeneration, and she is a powerful character that can deal massive amounts of damage fm a distance.
5. Templar(圣)
The Templar is a hybd class that combines both Stren and Intelligence skills. He is a formidable waror who can use both melee weapons and spells to defeat his enemies. Additionally, the Templar is a skilled healer, and can restore health to himself and his allies. His skill tree revolves aund increasing his melee damage and spellcasting abilities, and he is a versatile character that can fill many different les in a gup.
6. Shadow(影子)
The Shadow is a hybd class that combines both Dextety and Intelligence skills. He is a of deception and can use traps and poisons to defeat his enemies. Additionally, the Shadow is a skilled assassin, and can deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. His skill tree revolves aund both trap and spell damage, and he is a character that excels at hit-and-run tacti.
7. Scion(女勇士)
The Scion is a unique class that can only be unlocked after completing a specific quest. She is a hybd class that can combine any o of the other classes' skill trees, allog her to a truly unique character. Her skill tree revolves aund increasing her overall stats and abilities, and she is a character that is only limited by the player's imagination.
In conclusion, each of the sn classes in Path of Exile has its own unique strens and weaknesses. Whether you prefer ranged combat or close combat, magic or physical damage, there is a class that will suit yo playstyle. So if you haven't already, give Path of Exile a try and see which class is the ght fit for you!