
游戏资讯 2023-07-07 14








  • 掌握时机:当手中有多个星界密使时,要慎重使用,尽量避免在对手场面不利时使用。可以通过使用其他法术或随从来稳定局面,并在之后使用星界密使取得优势。
  • 控场技巧:宇宙术卡组强调控场,而控场关键在于使用随从和法术来打击对手主要随从,使对手无法产生力。同时,也要注意控制对手手牌,避免对手在关键时刻使用重要卡牌。
  • 削弱机制:宇宙术卡组可以通过一些削弱机制,如牌、消耗法力值等,来对手。在使用这些机制时,需要根据对手场面和手牌情况做出恰当决策。
  • 卡组调整:不同对手可能有不同弱点,因此在使用宇宙术卡组时需要根据不同对手进行卡组调整。有时候加入一些神秘学家和魔法反制来反制对手法术也是一个不错选择。







1. Jaina Pudmoore

Jaina Pudmoore is a mage in Hearthstone. She is a powerful spell caster who specializes in fst magic. Her language is calm and collected, and she often speaks in a soothing tone. Her power is to summon a 1/1 Water Elemental.

2. Rexxar

Rexxar is a ter in Hearthstone. He is a skilled tracker and ter who relies on his animal companions to aid him in battle. His language is rugged and ugh, and he often speaks in a deep gwl. His power is to deal 2 damage to the enemy .

3. Garsh Hellscream

Garsh Hellscream is a waror in Hearthstone. He is a fierce waror who wields a massive axe in battle. His language is aggressive and domineeng, and he often speaks in a loud voice. His power is to gain 2 armor.

4. Uther Lightbnger

Uther Lightbnger is a paladin in Hearthstone. He is a virtuous knight who fights for justice and ghteousness. His language is noble and ghteous, and he often speaks in a commanding tone. His power is to summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit.

5. Anduin Wrynn

Anduin Wrynn is a pest in Hearthstone. He is a devotee of the Light and is able to heal and ptect his allies. His language is gentle and compassionate, and he often speaks in a soft voice. His power is to restore 2 health to a damaged character.

6. Thrall

Thrall is a shaman in Hearthstone. He is a spitual leader and is able to call upon the power of the elements to aid him in battle. His language is wise and connected, and he often speaks in a contemplative tone. His power is to summon a random totem.

7. Valeera Sanguinar

Valeera Sanguinar is a gue in Hearthstone. She is a skilled assassin who is able to stke fm the shadows. Her language is sly and cunning, and she often speaks in a whisper. Her power is to equip a 1/2 Dagger.

8. Gul'dan

Gul'dan is a warlock in Hearthstone. He is a dark sorcerer who is able to summon demons to aid him in battle. His language is sinister and calculating, and he often speaks in a cold voice. His power is to draw a card and take 2 damage.


Each in Hearthstone has their own unique language and personality. Choosing the ght and language can be an important aspect of play, as it can affect how yo opponent perceives you and can give you a strategic advantage. Whether you prefer a aggressive or a nting style of play, there is a and language in Hearthstone that will suit yo preferences.






